Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jodie Marshe's anal demon tail tattoo....

This is why i prefer to date European chicks....


yeahyouknowit said...

Yikes! This is why I don't date American chicks either.. Or any chicks for that matter....

Eyelicker said...

Yeah, but even American chicks arn't as classless as the average English chick? Unless you can find evidence as damming as this!

yeahyouknowit said...

Hah okay to be honest I watched this vid on mute in my film class this morning and thought that when you said "This is why I prefer to date euro chicks" it was because this girl was some silly American.. I didn't realize you were complimenting her anal demon tail tat! ooooof Paying-attention-FAIL

shawnyouwillhate said...

i have a soft spot for trashy drunk british girls...good to have around for entertainment purposes.